Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Access denied" in accessing arcgis server from remote

A couple of weeks ago we upgraded our gis server(esri) from 9.3 to 9.3.1. nothing too much exciting about that except for the following problem:

After we uninstall the ags 9.3 from the server we restart it. than, we installed 9.3.1 and all good(allegedly). than we wanted to manage the gis server from another server. when doing the configuration we got:

"Access Denied: Either the SOM service on machine is not started or the user attempting this connection is not a member of the agsuser or agsadmin group and cannot be granted access to the SOM."

Of course everything was started and we could manage the gis server from local ArcCatalog.

After hours of searching and google-ing we found that our Dcom was disabled(remember the restart? that's what probably cause the Dcom settings to change).

The fix:

On the server, go to Start > Run and type dcomcnfg
Component Services > Computers and right click on My Computer-> Choose Properties.
In the Default Properties tab => ensure that "Enable Distributed COM on the computer" is checked.

That what solved our problem, but here's a link to 1000 solutions for this same problem:

Good luck.

1 comment:

  1. a little typo: After we uninstall the ags 9.3.1 don't you mean 9.3?
